Here you will find the Terms and Conditions for Luton BID’s town centre business offer campaign and the Christmas Prize Draw.
Luton town centre business offers – shop early for Christmas
Terms and Conditions
- All vouchers are redeemable with businesses located in Luton town centre only
- Vouchers can be downloaded by all members of the public but some products will be restricted by age where legal. Eg Alcohol will not be served to those under the age of 18
- Vouchers will need to be presented to the business in question to collect the offer/discount
- Vouchers should be redeemed with the businesses by the date stated on the individual voucher, unless otherwise agreed with the business in question.
- Luton Business Improvement District is compliant with General Data Protection Regulations. Our privacy policy can be viewed here
This is a Luton BID initiated programme but all contracts are between the business and the voucher holder. Vouchers holds no monetary value and cannot be exchanged for cash. Vouchers are valid up to the date stated on the voucher
Christmas Prize Draw
Terms & Conditions
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