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Experience the magic of Christmas this year at The Mall with their FREE Giving Grotto and Elves’ Toy Workshop.

Guests will receive a special one-on-one visit with Father Christmas as well as crafts in the Elves’ Toy Workshop.

The Grotto opens on 25th November from 10am and there will also be naughty elves running amok inside the centre!

Dates: Every weekend from 25th November to 17th December and then daily from 18th December until Christmas Eve. 10am to 5pm except on Christmas Eve when it closes at 3pm.

Quiet sessions are also available every Sunday.

Pre-book now to avoid disappointment!

Don’t forget to also take part in our toy trail around the centre. Fill in all the answers and collect a free gift

The link for the main Grotto page is here

The link for Quiet sessions for the Grotto is here

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