After a year of monthly coffee mornings in partnership with Alzheimer’s Society, Luton Point are thrilled to announce its one-year anniversary.
The coffee morning saw its inaugural event in February 2024, with an opening celebration attended by Deputy Mayor of Luton Councillor Raja, who highlighted the importance of such support for the community of Luton. Now, in 2025, it is estimated there are 2,311 people living with dementia in Luton alone, with just over two thirds of this population diagnosed.
In the Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes area this was equivalent to 3.8% of the population aged 65+ years in 2023/24.
Since its introduction, twelve sessions have been held on the first Tuesday of each month between the hours of 10am-12pm, which is set to continue into 2025. These sessions have so far reached 143 members of the general public, made up of family members affected by dementia, people with dementia and those seeking guidance due to worries about symptoms of dementia for themselves or loved ones.
Each session is attended by Dementia Advisers from the Alzheimer’s Society charity who are available to lend an ear, help people understand dementia and prepare for the future, as well as providing signposting and next steps for those who need it.
This free service is all from the comfort of Esquires Coffee. Luton Point have partnered with the coffee shop, who kindly provide hot drinks and tasty pastries at each event to ensure a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for all those attending.
Laura Hannibal, Local Services Manager of Alzheimer’s Society for Bedfordshire and Luton, commented: “We are very lucky to have a great partnership with Luton Point and Esquires, to enable us to reach more people affected by dementia in Luton. This not only gives us the opportunity to raise awareness of dementia, but also to enable people to speak to our Dementia Advisers about any questions or concerns they may have about themselves or loved ones who may be worried or affected by dementia. We produce a wide range of publications and factsheets designed to support and inform anyone affected by dementia that you can take away with you. Our Dementia Advisers offer information on all aspects of living with dementia and support you to access services.”
In addition to these monthly events, Luton Point plans to mark Dementia Action Week on Saturday 24th May with a family fun and information day, free to attend, organised in partnership with the local Alzheimer’s Society team. There will be educational activities for families to learn more about dementia, as well as Dementia Advisers on hand for advice and support. Further information will be provided on Luton Point’s social media and website prior to the event.
Lavinia Douglass, Marketing Manager for Luton Point, said: “We are immensely proud to offer this coffee morning service to the general public each month, and it could not be done without the help of the brilliant team at Alzheimer’s Society. We have had so many positive stories come from visitors to these sessions, so it’s clear that they are having a real impact on those in our community.”
Lavinia continues: “If anyone is interested in attending these events but aren’t sure what to expect – they are here to support you in whichever way you need them to in a relaxed and friendly environment. Whether that’s receiving advice or seeking comfort from others experiencing similar difficulties to you we are here for you.”
Those looking for additional information on Alzheimer’s Society’s services in Luton can contact their office on 01582 320224 or email
Further information can be found on Luton Point’s website.