Luton Town Centre businesses voted YES for a second time to becoming a Business Improvement District (BID) in 2019, with resident businesses paying a levy each year which is pooled into a collective pot and worth more than £2million over five years. It is this pot of funding which is used to deliver the BID events, initiatives and projects in line with the BID Business Plan.

We encourage all businesses to take an active interest in determining priorities and planning projects to meet the aims of the BID plan. If you would like to attend any of our sub-groups or have suggestions for future BID projects then please get in touch with Jacki Flower, BID Project Manager on info@lutonbid.org and 01582 510657

Gavin O'Brien
Gavin O'BrienChair of the Board
Clearhead Media
Roy Greening
Roy GreeningDirector
The Mall
Abbas Shaffi
Abbas ShaffiDirector
Tasty Fried Chicken
Marie Kirbyshaw
Marie KirbyshawDirector
Culture Trust
Martin Blower
Martin BlowerDirector
Howden Insurance
Gemma Goodge
Gemma GoodgeDirector
The Whitehouse
Anna Carluccio
Anna CarluccioDirector
University of Bedfordshire
Chris Bell
Chris Bell Director
Luton Town Football Club
Aimee Djengiz
Aimee DjengizDirector
Tokko Youth Centre
James Taylor
James TaylorDirector
Luton Council
Moses Khombe
Moses KhombeDirector
The Galaxy
Lawrence Kay
Lawrence KayDirector
Active Luton


Julia Horsman
Julia HorsmanEngagement Manager
Luton BID
Jacki Flower
Jacki FlowerOperation Manager
Luton BID
Aishah Moyeen
Aishah MoyeenAmbassador
Luton BID