Businesses in Luton town centre are this month being urged to vote YES to a further five years as a Business Improvement District (BID).
Throughout October businesses are being given the chance to vote on the renewal of the town centre’s status as a BID, which would ensure a further five years of investment for 2020-2020.
Since first voting to become a BID nearly five years ago more than £2million has been invested in the town centre, funding a host of environmental projects, events, promotional activities, security initiatives and much more. A second term as a BID would secure another pot of funding worth around £2million for the next five years.
Gavin O’Brien, Chair and Director of Luton BID and CEO of Luton-based Clearhead Media, said: “Over the last few months we have been doing surveys, consultations and workshops to assess the views of as many businesses and stakeholders as possible.
“From this we have identified a set of initiatives that we believe will build on the work we have done to date, address the new challenges we all face and take advantage of the new opportunities which are presenting themselves.
“The aim is to make a real difference to the success and prosperity of the Luton business community. Businesses and organisations in Luton’s town centre and surrounding area are not alone in facing challenges of economic uncertainty, the pressures from changing lifestyles, increased mobility, new competition, greater customer choice and changes in working practises.”
“However, it will be those towns which are able to offer a great experience and an attractive environment which are going to thrive in the future. We aim to re-build pride in the town centre by working with others to make radical differences to the place itself. This can only be achieved by working collaboratively together.”
Luton BID’s Proposal and Business Plan 2020-2025 – based on extensive consultations with town centre businesses – is now being voted on, with the ballot result due on November 1.
The plan’s overall vision is to: ‘Support business growth and investment in the town centre and build pride, loyalty and positive perceptions of Luton as a whole’.
The next five years of the BID, if the revote is successful, will comprise of four key project areas:
• PROMOTION: To identify, develop and promote the strengths, characteristics and the business offer of Luton town centre to increase positive perceptions and town centre loyalty.
• ENVIRONMENT: To ensure the town centre presents a distinctive, accessible and appealing environment – one that attracts business investment, encourages visitors to stay longer and fosters a pride in the town.
• EXPERIENCE: To provide a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors and workers in Luton town centre.
• GROWTH AND INVESTMENT: To build on the strengths of the business community to support and promote growth, development and investment.
Over the next five years the BID will also work closely with The Culture Trust Luton, Luton Borough Council, the University of Bedfordshire and other organisations to further develop distinct areas in the town centre, including The Hat District and The University Quarter.
If you are a business and would like more information about the BID, please contact the BID office on 01582 510 657 or email
• To find out more click HERE.