“The Luton music scene is well respected on a national scale, but within Luton it’s underground.”

Through the doors of Vinyl Revelations on Cheapside, a flurry of vibrant conversations with reggae blasting on in the background is heard, and just like the town itself, people from all ages and backgrounds are seen visiting Luton’s longest standing record shop.

Andy Chesham started Vinyl Revelations 28 years ago in Luton’s indoor market in The Mall. “We first started selling merchandise which we did until 2010 when records became more and more popular,” remembers Andy.

The shop sells books, merchandise, CDs, but the heart of the shop is of course vinyl, and Andy loves nothing more than discussing Luton’s vibrant music scene.

“We’ve got a fantastic pot of bands maximising multiple genres, and it’s great to see lots of different groups currently coming through Luton like The Beat Jugglers, Slippy Skillz, ENNE, Lavz and JW Paris.”

Luton has an eclectic range of musicians forming in all avenues and its vibrancy is translated on a night out around the town. If you want a night seeing Luton’s best DJs, up and coming metal bands, or your favourite jazz artist – there’s lots of choice. As Andy says: “The Luton music scene is well respected on a national scale, but within Luton it’s underground.”

As well as selling records, Andy is in the heart of Luton’s music scene, regularly putting punk gigs on in The Hat Factory, Bedford and Central London. Andy started spinning records over 25 years ago, and his taste is eclectic to say the least, from reggae & ska, soul, indie and rave nights, it’s an endless mix of genres and ages.

This enthusiasm is easily seen in his record shop, a community of shop traders on Cheapside with regular customers in and out of each other shops.

And just like his eclectic music taste, Vinyl Revelations is a shop constantly moving and changing. With an impressive online Discogs shop with over 90,000 records for sale, most of which are hosted in the basement of the shop. Upstairs, you’ll be sure to find early Reggae & Ska, underground 60s soul tracks, classic punk tracks, Drum & Bass, Jazz, 70s Heavy Rock, Indie & not forgetting modern vinyl too.

To find out more about Vinyl Revelations, click here.





Published On: March 28th, 20222.2 min read398 wordsDaily Views: 1Total Views: 937

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